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Ayurvedische Kräuter

Ayurvedic herbs

We have put together the most proven and common Ayurvedic herbs here!

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  • Bio Ashwagandha Tabletten (60 Tabl.), 30 g - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Organic Ashwagandha tablets (60 tablets), 30 g

    €13,00 €433,33/kg
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  • Bio Brahmi Tabletten, 60 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Brahmi Tablets, 60 g

    €19,90 €331,67/kg
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  • Bio Ashwagandha Churna, 70 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Ashwagandha Churna, 70 g

    €11,90 €170,00/kg
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  • Bio Brahmi Tabletten (60 Tabl.), 30 g - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Organic Brahmi tablets (60 tablets), 30 g

    €10,50 €350,00/kg
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  • Bio Triphala Churna (Dreifrucht-Pulver), 120 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Triphala Churna (three-fruit powder), 120 g

    €14,90 €124,17/kg
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  • Bio Triphala (Dreifrucht) Guggulu Kapseln, 80 Stück - YOGISHOP


    Organic Triphala (Three Fruit) Guggulu Capsules, 80 pieces

    €36,90 €785,11/kg
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  • Bio Tulsi (indisches Basilikum), 25 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Tulsi (Indian basil), 25 g

    €2,39 €95,60/kg
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  • Bio Shatavari Churna, 80 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Shatavari Churna, 80 g

    €14,90 €186,25/kg
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  • Bio Trikatu Churna, 90 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Trikatu Churna, 90 g

    €11,90 €132,22/kg
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  • Bio Neem (60 Tabletten), 30 g - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Organic Neem (60 tablets), 30 g

    €10,50 €350,00/kg
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  • Bio Triphala Plus, 60 g - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Bio Triphala Plus, 60 g

    €16,50 €275,00/kg
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  • Bio Amalaki Churna (Pulver), 100 g - YOGISHOP

    Classic Ayurveda

    Organic Amalaki Churna (powder), 100 g

    €12,90 €129,00/kg
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  • Bio Kurkuma (Gelbwurz), gemahlen, 40 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic turmeric (turmeric), ground, 40 g

    €2,59 €64,75/kg
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  • Bio Triphala Plus, 250 g - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Bio Triphala Plus, 250 g

    €46,00 €184,00/kg
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  • Bio Kurkuma (180 Kapseln), 87 g - YOGISHOP

    Classic Ayurveda

    Organic Turmeric (180 capsules), 87 g

    €28,90 €332,18/kg
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  • Bio Pippali (langer Pfeffer), 70g - YOGISHOP

    Classic Ayurveda

    Organic Pippali (long pepper), 70g

    €9,80 €140,00/kg
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  • Bio Kurkuma gemahlen, 50 g - YOGISHOP

    Classic Ayurveda

    Organic ground turmeric, 50 g

    €4,20 €84,00/kg
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  • Bio Triphala Churna (Dreifrucht-Pulver), 500 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Triphala Churna (three-fruit powder), 500 g

    €52,90 €105,80/kg
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  • Bio Amalaki Churna (Amla fein vermahlen), 130 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Amalaki Churna (amla finely ground), 130 g

    €15,90 €122,31/kg
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  • Bio Triphala Kapseln, 45 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Triphala capsules, 45 g

    €9,99 €222,00/kg
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  • Bio Kurkuma (60 Kapseln), 29 g - YOGISHOP

    Classic Ayurveda

    Organic Turmeric (60 capsules), 29 g

    €11,90 €410,34/kg
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  • Bio Sitopaladi Churna, 100 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Sitopaladi Churna, 100 g

    €14,90 €149,00/kg
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  • Bio Ashwagandha Kapseln, 45 g - YOGISHOP


    Organic Ashwagandha capsules, 45 g

    €9,99 €222,00/kg
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  • Bio Amalaki Churna, 500g - YOGISHOP

    Classic Ayurveda

    Organic Amalaki Churna, 500g

    €49,90 €99,80/kg
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Ayurvedic herbs for greater well-being

In Ayurveda we know about the ability of certain herbs and plants to strengthen stress resistance, nourish and tone the tissues, support mental performance and even stimulate libido. Thanks to the ancient wealth of experience that they can draw on, Ayurvedic specialists are able to always prescribe the appropriate Ayurvedic herb (or a combination of several herbs) for various concerns and thus other therapies (such as drainage procedures, forehead pourings, massages). etc. and of course the right diet). We offer the most commonly used Ayurvedic herbs in the AYURDEVA range.

An Ayurvedic herb for the brain: Brahmi

The herb Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is a herbal remedy that is highly valued in the ancient Indian medicine of Ayurveda and is used in particular to promote memory. Brahmi has been used to increase and maintain cognitive performance since ancient times. A study from Panjab even suggests that Brahmi has promising uses as an anti-dementia drug. The Brahmi plant contains hersaponin, a substance that stimulates blood circulation into the finest capillaries in the brain. Brahmi is also being researched in connection with ADHD. In the USA, taking Brahmi is very common among students. Brahmi can boost both short-term and long-term memory and is known to be a quick fix for mental fatigue. It is also effective as a nerve tonic. In many ways, Brahmi is one of the first choices when it comes to increasing concentration.

Ayurvedic herbs for good digestion: the 3-herb mixture Triphala

Triphala (“three fruits”) can help you – an extremely popular Ayurvedic recipe made from the ingredients Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki. This mixture, which stimulates digestion and cleanses the blood and liver, is even sung about in a well-known Indian folk song and is said to take care of the internal organs like a mother takes care of her children. Anyone who is skeptical that it could be a strong laxative and therefore potentially draining in the long run can rest assured: Triphala is characterized by a special, mild mode of action and is therefore very well tolerated. It strengthens the function of the digestive tract and supports it in developing more activity of its own. In addition, it does not upset the balance between excretion and nutrient absorption, but rather contributes to the body's supply through its nourishing properties: the ingredient Amalaki provides an immense vitamin C boost - after all, this fruit is the most concentrated natural source for this vitamin (the content is about 20 times that of an orange!). Bioflavonoids and other valuable nutrients are also found in abundance in Triphala. The Triphala mixture has many advantages over laxatives such as senna leaves, rhubarb or flax seeds. Triphala, unlike other laxatives, is also recommended for various types of constipation problems - both those caused by accumulations in the gallbladder and liver and those caused by a lack of fluid in the intestinal tract. In many Indian households, a regular portion of triphala is a natural part of the diet. It is traditionally taken in powder form, with two to three grams of the powder mixed in a little warm water per day. Triphala is also available in capsule form. The Triphala combination is perfectly balanced and each of the three components corresponds to one of the doshas. The herbal formula also has a positive influence on mental and emotional detoxification.

The Ayurvedic herb is particularly high in vitamin C: Amalaki

Amalaki, already mentioned above as a component of Triphala, is a herbal remedy from Ayurveda that contains highly concentrated vitamin C: Emblica officinalis (the botanical name) supplies the immune-boosting vitamin and, according to Ayurvedic teachings, is also said to have a general balancing effect. Amalaki is therefore highly recommended, especially in stressful phases.

Probably the most popular among the Ayurvedic herbs for the female organism: Shatavari, the wild asparagus

Menopause is not an easy time for many women, as symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, etc. can occur. Soy preparations have often been recommended for relief. Ayurvedic medicine has a different answer to menopausal symptoms: vital nutritional supplements with Shatavari. Indian asparagus, as it is called in German, is considered an excellent tonic for women.
But Shatavari is particularly helpful not only during menopause, but also for preparing for and during pregnancy: Ayurveda expert Kerstin Rosenberg writes in the article “Fulfillment is female) published in the magazine YOGA AKTUELL):
“Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is one of the most important rasayanas for women as it shows a very good effect on the milk-producing glands and supporting tissues as well as hormones. The roots of asparagus (Shatavari) promote conception and help maintain pregnancy and prevent miscarriages. This Rasayana is also used as a therapeutic agent against hyperacidity. The recommended quantity is 3-5 g of Shatavari powder with a cup of hot milk daily.”

The anti-stress agent among Ayurvedic herbs: Ashvagandha

Ashvagandha (Withania somnifera), winter cherry in German or sometimes sleepberry, is considered a nerve tonic and therefore one of the classic anti-stress agents among Ayurvedic herbs. The expert Kerstin Rosenberg writes in YOGA AKTUELL:
“The roots of Ashvaganda (Withania Somnifera) are used to increase the strength of body tissues. They correct immune disorders and serve as an effective aphrodisiac because they improve sexual strength and stamina as well as reproductive functions. Ashvagandha is also a classic anti-stress plant that is taken for physical and mental exhaustion and wasting. For these purposes, 2-3 g are taken daily with milk.”

The holy basil of India: Tulsi

Like Brahmi, Tulsi is one of the plants for strengthening the mind and the ability to concentrate as well as inner balance. According to Ayurvedic doctors, Tulsi is also strengthening for muscle and bone tissue. The Indian Vaidya Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe writes: Tulsi or holy basil is found in almost every Indian household because of its many beneficial qualities. Here, morning care and worship of this plant is still a common ritual. Tulsi purifies the air we breathe and enriches it with oxygen. The plant repels bacteria and insects and accordingly keeps its surroundings free of them. It has a very high gold content, generates satvic energy, provides mental clarity and keeps negative energy away.

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