Nose cleaning and care: more than just cotton swabs and blowing your nose
Nose cleaning – many people just think of blowing their nose and maybe Q-tips. But there are other helpful and effective types of nose cleaning and nose care for which you can get the right products from AYURDEVA.
Nose cleaning the yogic way: nasal rinsing (“Neti”)
Anyone familiar with the tradition of yoga and Ayurveda is probably familiar with the popular old method called Neti: nasal irrigation. In the magazine YOGA AKTUELL, author Alexander Kobs writes about nasal washing using Neti: “Nasal washing is recommended by doctors and alternative practitioners for a variety of complaints in the head and neck area. This simple cleansing technique helps clear nasal passages and sinuses quickly and effectively. To do this you need a nose pot, some salt and lukewarm water mixed so that it tastes like tears. Let this mixture flow through your nose - it creates a beautiful feeling of awakening. By removing mucus and crusts that have accumulated during the night, the nose becomes clear, more air and prana are inhaled, and thinking seems to clear up.” (from the article “Yoga Cleansing in the Morning”)
Hamsananda, also an experienced expert in yogic cleansing techniques, notes in another issue of the specialist magazine: “What for yogis represents the ideal preparation for pranayama (breathing exercises) to keep the airways clear, is considered the best home remedy in many parts of the world Used against colds and all sorts of problems with the nose and respiratory tract. A student from Spain: “Oh, nasal rinsing, we all do that at home in Spain”. Another course participant saw someone rinsing their nose while on vacation in Africa because, as they said, it “cleanses the mind.” (from the article “News about Neti – nasal irrigation”). In the same article, the author presents various interesting studies on nasal irrigation. It says, among other things: “(…) A later and more comprehensive study by the Hannover Medical School with over 600 volunteers from various companies in Hanover produced a detailed picture of the effect of daily rinsing. 85% of the participating test subjects said they had fewer colds. Participants had 25% less sore throats and less mucus production. Influenza decreased by a third. Professor Schwartz, then director of the Institute for Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health Systems Research at the Hannover Medical School, emphasizes that nasal rinsing plays an important role in preventing colds: “The regular use of nasal rinsing should become as commonplace as regular dental care,” said Schwartz. “
How is nasal irrigation performed?
The Neti pot is filled with lukewarm salt water (use 1/2 teaspoon of salt per 0.2 liters - the water will then taste like tears). Tilt your head slightly forward over the sink. Now insert the jug into a nostril so that the salt water solution runs into it. If you keep your head in a favorable position, you will notice that the water flows effortlessly out of the other nostril. Otherwise, change the position of your head - after a short time you will know exactly how it works best. Finally, blow your nose once through both nostrils to expel the rest of the salt water.
Why nose cleaning and nose care are so important - background knowledge
“The nose cleans and humidifies the air and warms it before it enters the lungs. These tasks are carried out by a mucous membrane that lines our nose and airways. Microscopically fine hairs, the cilia, use rhythmic movements to transport a constantly renewing carpet of mucus towards the pharynx - on the one hand from the bronchi and the trachea, on the other hand from the nose. From there, the secretion, in which all foreign bodies such as dust and bacteria have been captured, reaches the stomach and is neutralized there by enzymes. This self-cleaning process also includes the nasal sinuses, which are connected to the interior of the nose through fine channels,” explains Alexander Kobs in the article “Neti – Effective Nose Cleansing in Yoga,” which appeared in YOGA AKTUELL. He further explains: “The mucous membrane of the inner nose therefore has an important defensive function to fulfill against foreign bodies and thus against infections. If the mucous membrane secretion is too thick, solidified or too liquid, the immediate removal of the particles and microorganisms that have penetrated can no longer take place adequately. Sinus infections and chronic colds are often the result, and foreign germs can easily accumulate in the throat and in the tonsil area, leading to infections (such as sore throats or tonsillitis).”
When/for whom is nasal rinsing advisable?
The yoga expert names the following indications and contraindications for nose cleaning: Nose cleaning is particularly indicated if the following occurs:
• Frequently stuffy or “runny” nose
• frequent colds
• Tendency to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
• Tendency to inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
• Hay fever
• Frequent frontal sinus catarrh
• Working in dusty, dirty or air-conditioned spaces
• Frequent ear pain due to inflammation of the middle ear
There are no known contraindications; However, in the case of windows in the sinuses and surgical procedures in the nasal cavity, you should first consult your doctor before washing your nose.
Various Neti pots at AYURDEVA
For nasal rinsing, various Neti pots are available from AYURDEVA, with which this effective form of nasal cleansing can be carried out easily and smoothly. The models are designed so that you can easily pour from a comfortable angle and are also elegant and hygienic. The Nose Buddy has an extra-long, curved neck, holds a lot of volume and comes with a measuring spoon for the salt. Alternatively, smaller porcelain Neti pots are available. Lovingly designed Neti pots for children are also part of the range. We also have salt containers and measuring spoons as well as refill bags in stock as accessories for nasal rinsing.
Ayurvedic nose oil for intensive nose care
To care for the sensitive nasal mucosa, we recommend a specially formulated Ayurvedic Nasya oil (nose oil). AYURDEVA from the manufacturer Maharishi Ayurveda has such a beneficial oil for nose care in its range. The oil is available in two different sizes and contains, among other things, vetiver, nut grass, cinnamon, cardamom and sandalwood. The product is instilled with a pipette and is therefore very easy to use.
Nose cleaning and nose care are simple health precautions that can be easily integrated into everyday life. You can do a lot for yourself with little time and little financial investment!