Effective foot care, made easy
Well-groomed feet, which look good even in open sandals or barefoot, are not only visually pleasing, but also ensure well-being - for example, if you suffer from cracked calluses, you usually don't feel very comfortable with your feet, even though they carry us through life so reliably and strongly. Giving your feet loving attention and regular care is a lot of fun with the right products. Foot baths, foot peelings or creams specially formulated for the skin of your feet can be very helpful in having soft feet. Professional foot care is wonderful, but good daily care at home is also important. At AYURDEVA you will find products to reduce calluses, care products to treat cracked skin, deodorizing care products and more - everything for perfectly cared for feet!
Goodbye calluses!
Calluses are one of the most common problems that almost everyone is familiar with. Women in particular often spend a lot of time laboriously rasping away calluses. Those who follow the motto "rasp less, care more" often find that they can get calluses under control better and more easily in the long term. At AYURDEVA you will find various care products that are effective against calluses and can also be combined well with one another.
Fresh Feet
Depending on the footwear, feet can quickly become sweaty, and the corresponding odors can also develop. To ensure that feet always feel fresh and smell pleasant, there are deodorizing creams that are antibacterial and also care for the feet. Of course, such care products are also part of the AYURDEVA range.
A treat for the legs
In addition to wonderful products for foot care, this section also includes relaxing gels and sprays for tired or heavy legs. After a strenuous day, when you can literally "put your feet up", a care product like this is a little revelation!
Kaash bowls and triphala ghee
In India, Kaash bowls and Triphala ghee, which can also be found in the AYURDEVA range, are often used for soothing foot massages. The following article, which appeared in the YOGA AKTUELL magazine, explains what this is all about:
Massages are wonderful, most people would agree on that. You should treat yourself to one regularly. Ideally every day... Actually. But then comes the BUT - after all, you can't go to a masseur or therapist every day. And self-massage? That has something to do with effort and is not the same somehow. But here too - fortunately - we can come back with the word BUT: There is a type of massage that you can do very well yourself without it degenerating into effort that sabotages the massage experience. We are talking about foot massage with Kaash bowls, an old Ayurvedic type of massage that is still used today mainly in the Indian state of Maharashtra. In addition to a generally relaxing effect and promoting blood circulation, this massage is said to strengthen the ankles, relax the eye muscles and have a positive effect on eyesight. The fact that foot massage can also have an effect on completely different areas of the organism becomes plausible when you think of the relatively well-known theory of reflexology: this states that all organs are connected by nerve pathways to a specific point on the soles of the feet (the respective nerve ending) and can be influenced by stimulating this point.
Special small bowls made of Kaash are used for this massage, the rounded bottom of which is placed on the foot. Kaash is a metal mixture consisting mainly of copper and tin. Both metals are said to have health-promoting effects. They are said to be particularly beneficial for excess Vata or Pitta, as they are apparently able to balance both doshas. In addition to the effects described above, there is also a dosha-calming effect, which means that the Kaash massage warms and stimulates in winter, for example, and pleasantly relieves the heat in summer.
Kaash bowls are available with both a smooth and a roughened underside. Depending on which variant you choose, a different effect is more pronounced - the rough underside is particularly stimulating and invigorating and powerfully boosts the metabolism, while the smooth underside provides a very gentle massage with a pronounced harmonizing effect. The effects of the massage can be supported and intensified by using Triphala ("three-fruit")
ghee . This clarified butter, medicated with Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica), makes rough, cracked feet beautifully supple, reduces Pitta and is also associated with effects on eyesight.
If you decide to use Triphala
ghee , put about half a teaspoon on the bottom of the bowl and spread it generously over the soles of your feet before the actual massage begins. It may be a good idea to put a washable mat under your feet - especially at high temperatures, Triphala
ghee can take on a rather liquid consistency and therefore drip a little.
The massage is carried out in a comfortable sitting position, first from the big toe to the little toe and then on the balls of the feet, massaging in small circles from the inside outwards. Particular attention should be paid to the area on the balls of the feet between the first and second toes, as this is a reflex point for the eyes. You should spend a little longer here to optimize the positive effects on vision. It continues along the outer edge down to the heel, then you start again at the middle of the foot, i.e. at the arch of the foot. Here you massage in elliptical movements from top to bottom before moving on to circling the heel. When massaging the heel, the edges of the foot are extensively included. Finally, the entire sole of the foot is massaged again in small and large circles. During the massage, the hand not massaging lightly supports the toes.
It is recommended to do the massage before going to bed. If you use Triphala
ghee , it is best to go to sleep wearing light socks afterwards - this way the
ghee can continue to absorb into the skin overnight, but not into the bedclothes.