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Waschmittel, Reiniger & Waschnüsse

Detergents, cleaners & soap nuts

Environmental friendliness starts at home: ecologically compatible, plant-based cleaners and detergents from innovative, cruelty-free manufacturers can be found here.

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  • Flächendesinfektion - YOGISHOP


    surface disinfection

    From €2,98 €7,80/l
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  • Waschmittel Pulver - YOGISHOP


    detergent powder

    From €8,48 €5,41/kg
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  • Geschirrspülmittel Lemon - YOGISHOP


    dishwashing detergent Lemon

    From €1,98 €3,98/l
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  • Geschirrspülmittel Calendula - YOGISHOP


    dishwashing liquid Calendula

    From €2,38 €7,93/l
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  • Badreiniger - YOGISHOP


    bathroom cleaner

    From €2,98 €4,98/l
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  • Glasreiniger - YOGISHOP


    glass cleaner

    From €2,98 €4,98/l
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  • Weichspüler Rose & Bergamotte, 750 ml - YOGISHOP


    Fabric Softener Rose & Bergamot, 750 ml

    €3,75 €5,00/l
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  • Kinder Schaumseife, Calendula - YOGISHOP


    Children's Foam Soap, Calendula

    From €2,98 €14,90/l
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  • Händedesinfektion - YOGISHOP


    hand disinfection

    From €5,98 €13,98/l
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  • Scheuerpulver - YOGISHOP


    scouring powder

    From €3,48 €7,73/kg
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  • Weichspüler Apfelblüte & Mandel, 750 ml - YOGISHOP


    Fabric Softener Apple Blossom & Almond, 750 ml

    €3,75 €5,00/l
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  • WC-Reiniger Citrusfrische, 750 ml - YOGISHOP


    WC Cleaner Citrus Freshness, 750 ml

    €2,85 €3,80/l
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  • Orangen Kraftreiniger - YOGISHOP


    Orange Power Cleaner

    From €3,78 €7,56/l
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  • Essential Bad-Reiniger Eukalyptus, Sprühflasche, 500 ml - YOGISHOP


    Essential Bathroom Cleaner Eucalyptus, Spray Bottle, 500 ml

    €4,29 €8,58/l
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  • Hand-Spülmittel Granatapfel & Feige, 450 ml - YOGISHOP


    Hand Dishwashing Liquid Pomegranate & Fig, 450 ml

    €2,65 €5,89/l
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  • Allesreiniger, 1 l - YOGISHOP


    all-purpose cleaner, 1 l

    €4,68 €4,68/l
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  • Hand-Spülmittel Zitrone & Aloe Vera, 950 ml - YOGISHOP


    Hand dishwashing liquid lemon & aloe vera, 950 ml

    €4,25 €4,47/l
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  • WC-Reiniger Minze, 750 ml - YOGISHOP


    Toilet Cleaner Mint, 750 ml

    €3,48 €4,64/l
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  • Hand-Spülmittel Zitrone & Aloe Vera - YOGISHOP


    Hand Dishwashing Liquid Lemon & Aloe Vera

    From €3,70 €3,70/l
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  • Geschirrspülmittel sensitiv - YOGISHOP


    sensitive dishwashing detergent

    From €1,98 €6,60/l
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  • Gallseife flüssig, gegen Flecken, 300 ml - YOGISHOP


    Gall Soap liquid, against stains, 300 ml

    €3,98 €13,27/l
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  • Maschinenspülmittel - YOGISHOP


    dishwasher detergent

    From €8,98 €4,99/kg
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  • Ökowasch 1000g Waschnüsse - YOGISHOP


    Ökowasch 1000g Soap Nuts

    €15,00 €15,00/kg
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  • Kernseife, 100 g - YOGISHOP


    curd soap, 100 g

    €1,48 €14,80/kg
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In order to be able to meet the entire needs of a household, the range covers the entire range of different household cleaners and also includes different types of detergents.


Whether dishwashing liquid or glass cleaner, all-purpose cleaner or surface disinfection - various cleaners are always needed in every household. However, many people do not want to resort to conventional means and aggressive chemicals, but are looking for alternatives that are environmentally friendly and that you can feel good about using. Ayurdeva has a lot to offer here, because with products from brands such as Ecover and Sonett we offer contemporary, ecologically correct cleaning products that are plant-based and gentle on the environment. Another very important criterion: These companies are free of animal testing (they do not carry out animal testing themselves and they do not commission animal testing), Ecover is even certified with the “Leaping Bunny” seal. From household cleaners for various surfaces to floor soap and special cleaners for glass, for example, Ayurdeva offers a wide range of environmentally friendly cleaning products - everything you need for a hygienic and well-maintained household. Those who rely on eco-friendly products for everyday use are making a big contribution to protecting our environment in the long run and are also doing something good for themselves at the same time. For example, a mild hand dishwashing detergent that uses plant power is also kind to the skin and you don't have to worry about chemical residues on the dishes that later come into contact with food. By the way, Ayurdeva's cleaning range also includes various products for the dishwasher. Detailed information about all Ayurdeva cleaning products can be found on the respective product pages. Once you have switched to ecological cleaners, you usually never want to use anything else again. We wish you a lot of well-being in your home with the environmentally friendly cleaners from the Ayurdeva range.


What applies to the different types of cleaning agents naturally also applies to detergents - here too, and especially here, you want gentle products without "chemicals", since the laundry ultimately comes into direct contact with the skin. Gentle on the environment and people, gentle on laundry and good results, this is how the properties of the detergents available from Ayurdeva can be briefly summarized. Here, too, we rely on the excellent manufacturers Ecover and Sonett in our range, both of which are cruelty-free and impress with plant-based, ecologically sustainable products. From universal detergents to wool and delicate detergents, various ecological detergents are available in our range. Whether concentrate or liquid detergent, the range is in no way inferior to the selection of conventional detergents available in drugstores or supermarkets. Of course, fabric softener and special color detergent are also available, and there are also special stain removers. All detergents are powerful and efficient and leave laundry clean and naturally scented.

soap nuts

There is an alternative to powdered detergents and liquid detergents that simply grows on trees: soap nuts - suitable for optimally cleaning laundry in a cheap, gentle and environmentally friendly way. By the way, many Indians and Nepalese have been doing it this way for hundreds of years. Well, the soapnut, the fruit of the soap tree (Sapindus mukorossi), grows on their doorstep, so to speak. But these very special nuts, which can be used to wash so conveniently and advantageously, are also becoming increasingly popular with us. Their concentrated natural content of saponin – a soap-like substance that is also contained in many “conventional” detergents – actually serves to protect the golden-brown nuts from pests. But if you add three or four of them to the laundry in a small cotton bag, the natural active ingredient serves a completely different purpose: the clothes become wonderfully clean and soft, without any chemical additives. And in a particularly gentle way! Fibers and fabrics are not attacked; even sensitive textiles such as wool or silk can be cleaned with soap nuts without any concerns. This skin-friendly, chemical-free way of washing laundry is particularly ideal for allergy sufferers, but soap nuts also offer advantages for all other users. They are also extremely cost-effective: 500g costs less than 10 euros and is enough for around 50 washes, and a kilo supply pack is even cheaper. If you now calculate how much you usually spend on detergent and then consider that you can safely do without fabric softener if you use soap nuts, you will quickly be convinced of how economical this method is. Users are also pleased that the luminosity of the colors is retained in full intensity. Another plus point is their environmental friendliness: soap nuts do not pollute waterways and can simply be added to the compost after use.

And there's something else fascinating about the soap nuts: those who use them can choose what they want their laundry to smell like - no standard scent from the pack, but a few drops of essential oil of your choice can conjure up any scent you want on your laundry, from wash to wash newly variable. And if you prefer neutral – no problem with soap nuts. Here's another tip: Since the nuts do not contain any brighteners, it is recommended to add a little baking soda to the laundry from time to time: this will prevent gray streaks without aggressive bleaching agents. By the way, soap nuts are extremely versatile because their cleaning qualities are not limited to laundry - what they can do in the washing machine, they can also do elsewhere in the household. A decoction made from a few soap nuts boiled with water is a good all-purpose cleaner for the kitchen, bathroom, etc.! It is also obvious that such a gentle, yet very effective cleanser can also be used for personal care. And in fact: In the countries of origin, India and Nepal, soap nut decoction is also used to wash hair and body. Although washing your hair is a little unusual during the first test due to the low foam formation of the brew, the result is even more surprising: the hair becomes soft and strong at the same time and also remains grease-free for a long time. Try it out! So that the saponin can be released when it comes into contact with water, the soap nuts are halved after harvest and their black core is removed. They are then dried. In this form, the soap nuts are commercially available in various pack sizes.

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