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Yoga Aktuell 99 - 04/2016

SKU: 100199

Yoga with all the senses - a path to gratitude, balance and a healthy body awareness.


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Create flavor explosions in your dishes with our spicy treasures!

Asana: Yoga for nine very special months
Develop trust in the wisdom of the body and treat yourself to moments of well-being and relaxation. A pregnancy workshop with Thais de la Paz.

Asana: Spirit Yoga – the fire element
Strengthen your inner determination and all the fiery qualities that bring you closer to your heart's desires. An energizing practice with Valentin Alex.

Asana: Backbends with Liz & Roland
The Scorpion: Explore important basic principles of backbend practice using Vrshchikasana. With Liz Huntly and Roland Jensch.

Meditation: The path to silence?What does silence really mean and how do we get there?
In search of a space beyond our world of thoughts. By Ernst Adams.

Yoga2Business: Confirmation at 10, Yoga at 9?

How far has the integration of yoga into the professional world progressed? An update on developments and opportunities. By Christoph Krelle.

Heart Sutra: Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form
Do not force yourself to conform to a form, but use it as a gateway to freedom and space – in asana practice and in life. By Katchie Ananda.

Who am I?
The question of our own identity occupies us throughout our lives and is not that easy to answer. By Angelika Doerne.

Experience yoga with your three primary senses

Find more balance and harmony: How to consciously the sense of touch, the sense of balance and the sense of movement school. By Bhajan Noam.

Purushartha: The Four Treasures of Humanity

Four keys to clarity and satisfaction – a helpful concept from the great Indian epics. By Florian Palzinsky.

Gratitude: a spiritual practice that makes you rich

Why gratitude is a key element on the spiritual path and how you can practice it. By Doris Iding.

Raw Cacao
About the benefits of raw cocoa – with recipes that no one can resist. By Hannah Frey.

Ayurvedic work-life balance
The Dosha Clock in the Daily Routine: How to design your daily routine so that you use the natural energetic rhythms in a type-appropriate and positive way can. By Kerstin Rosenberg.

Yoga & eating disorders?
Yoga as an aid to emotional healing and self-acceptance – ways out of eating disorders. By Franziska Krusche.


What is important for yoga classes with participants with eating disorders pay attention to? A report from Alexandra Kleinheinrich.

Healthy Shoulders
Joint centering and good positioning: Tips from spiral dynamics. By Lilla N. Wuttich.

Coming home to yourself
Well-known meditation teacher Tara Brach on coming home to an inner place of spaciousness, about the basic qualities of mindfulness and about the
essential role of self-compassion. Interview: Doris Iding.

Spirituality that connects heaven and earth

Giannina Wedde talks in this interview about her extraordinary Sound prayers and their roots in mystical experiences. Interview: Doris Iding.

Lightness & Discipline
In this interview, Sriram talks about his experiences with Children's yoga, especially with children in India. Interview: Doris Iding.

Go where the energy takes you?
Percy Johannsen, founder of the Namasté Yoga Festival, is usually with his SUP board on the Ammersee. As the former MTV production manager there and especially to yoga, says he is in our People section. Interview: Stephanie Schönberger.

The Yoga Conference Germany 2016 in pictures. By Hanna Witte.

Insights into the Yoga Sutra
This time: the different dimensions of the mind. By Dr. Ralph Skuban.

The Rainbow Bridge
The channel to the divine: the Antahkarana bridge as a connection to the highest realms of being. By Dr. Manfred Ehmer.

The Voice of the Yoga Teacher

The voice is an important instrument in teaching – tips for Yoga teachers who want to use their voice effectively without to develop an unnatural way of speaking. By Romeo Alavi Kia and Maria Kafritsas.

herb bushes

An old tradition ensures that the healing power of summer plants also available in autumn and winter. By Irene Dalichow.

The dolphin, messenger of peace and lightness

Find courage and love: Connect with the gentle power of the dolphin. By Doris Iding.

Algarve: Recharge your batteries between the Atlantic and untouched landscape
Retreats and yoga locations in the south of Portugal. By Jeanette Fuchs.

YOGA-AKTUELL readers worldwide?

This time: Gaby Stettler from Switzerland

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Verena M.S.f.Y.A.S.

Namasté, liebe Yoga Praktizierende und liebe Alle!
Es ist wirklich wunderbar, wie manche Anregungen in diesem Bezug richtig gut wirken! Da viele Aspekte berücksichtigt werden, und die einzelnen Artikel themenbezogen und gut geschrieben sind, freue ich mich, oft nicht nur auf die neuen Ausgaben, sondern ziehe frühere und noch ältere Ausgaben immer wieder hevor um drin fündig zu werden!
Unverzichtbar! Glückwünsche!

Bjanka T.

Hallo Yogis,
ehrlich gesagt dachte ich, dass ihr ziemlich Eso-mäßig unterwegs seid und bin positiv überrascht wie toll und vielseitig euer Magazin ist!
Ich freu mich auf die nächsten Ausgaben und die Idee mit dem Mini-Abo finde ich spitze - so hat man die Gelegenheit richtig zu testen ob man auch zum Lesen kommt.....ohne sich gleich für lange zu binden!!!!
Daumen hoch!
Happy day