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Yoga Aktuell 108 - 01/2018

SKU: 100208

YOGA CURRENT February/March: Arrive at yourself.


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Create flavor explosions in your dishes with our spicy treasures!

Asana: Yin Yoga for Freedom and Trust
Mindful practice: Helga Baumgartner guides you through a liberating backbend practice without any focus on performance.

Meditation: Meditative Thoughts on Death
The inevitability of death causes fear in most people. But if we face this truth, it can give our lives more depth. By Florian Palzinsky.

Pranayama: Energy Cycles
A powerful, consciousness-expanding and purifying breathing exercise: Instructions for a kriya that addresses the energy system and the entire physical organism. By Bhajan Noam.

Asana: Yoga and the Chakras, Part 7: Sahasrara Chakra
At the end of the chakra journey with Richard Hackenberg you reach the place where you can clearly experience the connection with the Divine – the crown chakra Sahasrara.

Shankara and the Maya
The mysterious Maya was defined differently in the philosophical systems of India. How Shankara understood it and what this understanding means in consequence. By Nina Haisken.

Nada Yoga and Sound Diving with Crystal Singing Bowls
How do different sound frequencies affect our organism and why do singing bowls help us to experience our true self? By Carlos Michael.

The Upanishads
Turiya, the fourth state – beyond the fragmentation of our being, the original wholeness and unity awaits. By Dr. Ralph Skuban.

You have already arrived
What if your spiritual search finally came to an end and you achieved complete knowledge? Or is it ultimately more about the journey rather than the destination? By Doris Iding.

Yoga for Depression
What role can yoga with its various elements on the path to a healing approach to causes and symptoms? well-founded assessment by Anna Trökes.

The Practice of Forgiveness
Forgiveness as the key to freedom – Katchie Ananda explains why forgiveness is so important and how to practice it.

Yoga in Mind
Inspirations for managers: Yoga as a path to more clarity, serenity and life energy and as a return to important ethical values. Gerrit Kirstein.

The Amygdala – the danger scanner in the head
Interesting facts about the amygdala, which influences our behavior more than most people realize. By Doris Iding.

Grace is everywhere
Why a conversation with Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is never boring or This article by Nina Heitmann, who is the author of the famous Indian met in Berlin.

Beyond the Asanas
Emil Wendel has been dedicated to yoga philosophy and practice for decades and other Asian philosophies. YOGA AKTUELL spoke to him among other things, about the still little-known abundance and depth of Yoga tradition. Interview: Nicole Reese.

Servant of Peace
Antje Herrberg worked as a mediator for the United Nations, among others. The peace activist, who runs a yoga studio in Brussels EU quarter, on the role of the higher consciousness of Connectedness. Interview: Doris Iding.

Mindfulness as an Act of Love
The Buddhism and mindfulness teacher Lila Kimhi teaches among others in Israel. In the YOGA-AKTUELL interview she talks about her dream of Peace. Interview: Susanne Knechtges.

The Art of Yoga Therapy
Dr. Kausthub Desikachar on the roots and characteristics of Yoga therapy: How is this valuable ancient discipline from modern conventional medicine

Yoga and Health in Modern Science
This time: gene expression, anti-aging and cancer. By Cordula Interthal.

Culinary delights for animal lovers
The German Animal Welfare Association has published a cookbook with vegan recipes well-known top chefs. Information and four selected recipes. By Janine Schneider.

The "sunshine vitamin"

Vitamin D and its comprehensive significance for human health. By Irene Dalichow.

Ayurveda detox for internal spring cleaning
Kerstin Rosenberg on Triphala as an Ayurvedic companion for an easy start into spring.

Music for Yoga
In the modern music business, music for yoga has become a lucrative accumulation of clichés. Al Gromer Khan on the wonderful original vision that simply did not surrender to punk rock wants to give.

Cocoa: the healer of hearts
The cacao ceremony and its original shamanic background: about the importance of the cocoa bean and its authentic ceremonial Usage. By Sonia Emilia Rainbow.

pilgrimage to devotion
A pilgrimage to the origins of yoga has a lasting effect. Aleah Ghandarvika, known as the singer of The Love Keys, describes impressions a bhakti journey.

Book special: Yoga: The Secret of Life
In a fascinating book, photographer Francesco Mastalia the great challenge of understanding the deep spiritual aspects of yoga to capture visually. By Janine Schneider.

Dates, trends and news
News from the world of yoga.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Martina L.

Eine der besten " Yoga Aktuell " die ich bisher gelesen habe. Sehr schöne und interessante Berichte. Absolut gelungen.

Adolf K.

Hallo an Euch! … Das Heft „Yoga aktuell“ Nr. 108 war wieder einmal sehr, sehr gut von vorne bis hinten. Farblich und bildlich sehr einladend beginnend mit dem Layout/Titelfoto (und folgend innen dem Interview) mit Eva Klein – ein nettes, sympathisches Lächeln mit Glanz in den Augen strahlte uns da begrüßend entgegen, und ihre schönen Worte (… „Yoga war für mich ein Herzensweg. ...“) passten genau dazu. Uwe Haardt … Dein Editorial – wie schon so oft: ein wunderbares Gedanken- und Worte-Spiel! „Die Kunst der Yogatherapie“ sprach mir aus dem Herzen, Anne Trökes' Beitrag „Yoga bei Depressionen“ ist sehr interessant und unbedingt nachdenkens- und nachahmenswert. „Das Sonnen-Vitamin“ finde ich sehr interessant und informativ für bisher Un-Informierte. Vom größten Teil der Ärzteschaft wird dieses Thema leider negiert. Vom Pharma-Kartell sowieso. Deshalb heißt es: Aufwachen! Im übrigen senkte ein „Selbstexperiment“ in hohen Tagesdosen mit 20.000 I.E über Wochen hinweg (ohne jegliche negative Nebenwirkungen!) bei drei mir bekannten Personen merklich und medizinisch positiv den Bluthochdruck und erhöhten Puls. „Die Amygdala ...“ und „Nada-Yoga & Sound Diving mit Klangschalen“ rundeten das Heft sehr gut ab. Herausragend und für mich besonders wertvoll und informativ fand ich die zwei Beiträge „Energie-Kreisläufe“ und wieder unter „Yoga Chakras“, Teil 7: „ Das Sahasrara-Chakra“. Für diese Reihe danke ich Euch besonders sehr. Neben und mit Yoga interessieren mich seit langem sehr die feinstofflichen Gegebenheiten, Zustände, Aktionen und Interaktionen der lebendigen Körper. Schon einige Jahre beschäftige ich mit theoretisch und praktisch neben Yoga auch mit der „Reiki“ (Universelle Lebensenergie), weil das wohl auch eine meiner „Berufungen“ ist. ... Adolf Krista (Adoka)