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Yoga Aktuell 120 - 01/2020

SKU: 100220

The February/March issue combines the timeless wisdom of yoga with current tasks and challenges. Also, as always: lots of practical impulses and insights into inspiring empirical knowledge.


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Create flavor explosions in your dishes with our spicy treasures!

Pranayama – the heart of yoga
Part 2 of the series by Dr. Ralph Skuban: From breathing observation to targeted exploration and expansion of the breathing spaces.

Asana: Rejuvenation Ritual
Diana Schöpplein shows a short sequence on the couch that promises deep relaxation for body, mind and soul.

Let your life energy flow
Activating energy through meditation – what “energy” means exactly and how you can bring it into a healing, free flow. By Nicole Wendland.

A gentle exploration of the technique that can assist in the awakening of the Kundalini and, when practiced without compulsive effort, allow us to participate in the continuous flow of the forces of awakening. By Ty Landrum.

swivel seat intensive
Effortless posture and powerful centering: Bhajan Noam shows you how you can consciously and deeply experience Ardha Matsyendrasana with its multifaceted effects.

Asana: Courage and Curiosity in Practice
Trust in your body: Bitta Boerger guides you through a sequence in which you can activate your inner resources and experience the gifts of yoga anew.

Hormone Yoga in Kundalini Yoga
From the ups and downs of emotions to psychological stability and hormonal balance – hormone yoga sets and kriyas to support you during the menopause. By Anand Kaur Martina Seitz.

The Basics of Ayurvedic Nutrition
Ayurvedic cuisine follows wise principles that suit the individual Consider constitutional types and external conditions. By Irene Rhyner.

The Healing Art of Tibetan Pulsing
Exciting facts about the importance of the twenty-four internal organs and the Resolving trauma through the pulse – an introduction to the ancient Healing work that originated in the monasteries of Tibet. By Elvira tailor.

Bye Bye, Tamas
With these simple, sattvic recipes from the Ayurvedic kitchen, you say Goodbye to the spring blues. By Marita Voithofer & Kate O'Donnell.

pilgrimage to the source of the Ganges
Snow, ice and inner fire: Author Srila Devi set out on the Path to Gaumukh glacier, where the holy Ganga originates.

The Path of Awakening
How can we experience pure awareness? Meditation teacher Loch Kelly helps seekers to access this inherent level discover. By Doris Iding.

Perfectly imperfect
According to Buddha, we are all already perfect. Here you can find out how your inner self can shine – Doris Iding about a book by Marie Mannschatz.

Healing Parent-Child Relationships
Why it is not helpful to forgive your parents when they not loved – Robert Henderson reflects on the healing process a “broken” parent-child bond.

Tears in the Newsroom
Sarah Elsing works in a newsroom where daily Disaster reports are pouring in. Should one, as a yogi, ignore in order not to disturb your own equanimity? – How to all professionalism and compassion.

Spirituality, Ethics and Environment
Our treatment of the planet is now on everyone’s lips, but for a long time many were blind to ecological concerns. Thoughts on the topic Environmental awareness, which the “spiritual scene” also struggles with. By Florian Palzinsky.

Everything is just stories
“Everything is essential, everyone is essential!” – Exceptional guitarist Estas Tonne is convincing. YOGA AKTUELL spoke to him about the spirituality behind his haunting music, which Invites introspection. Interview: Marita Voithofer.

100 years after Yogananda's arrival
The “Self-Realization Fellowship” founded by Paramahansa Yogananda celebrates anniversary. SRF monk Brother Satyananda talks about timelessness and relevance of the profound wisdom teachings of Kriya Yoga, which Yogananda once brought to the West. Interview: Nina Haisken.

The Widows of Vrindavan
As the organization “BrajCare” disadvantaged widows in the holy Pilgrimage site Vrindavan helps: Co-founder Bhanu-nandini in conversation with Marita Voithofer.

experience report

The Master of Light
Visiting Bonfin: At the Center of the “Universal White Brotherhood” YOGA-AKTUELL author Marianne Scherer learned the teachings of the sun yogi Get to know Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov all over again.

yoga teacher

Anatomy in Children's Yoga
The “Yoga Anatomy KIDS” project contributes to quality assurance in the children’s yoga sector. By Veronika Winter.


Tourist in mystical worlds
Ayahuasca trips to the Amazon basin: “Cultural colonialism” or a positive connection between two worlds? By Iris Disse.


birch bark
The plastic of the Middle Ages as a pioneering material for a world
with less plastic. By Irene Dalichow.

yoga world

Dates, trends and news
Latest news from the yoga world. By Nina Haisken & Marita Voithofer.

Modern yoga as a “product of the colonial era”?
Did British colonial rulers adopt yoga and create a falsified version brought to the West? Wilfried Huchzermeyer takes a questionable thesis under the microscope.

Off the mat

The animal protection site
This time: Factory farming – daily suffering on an unimaginable scale. About a global phenomenon behind which billions of sad fates lie hide. By Nina Haisken.

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