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Yoga Aktuell Special No. 8 - Yoga Therapy and Healing

SKU: 123781

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Back to the center of your own being
Dr. Ruediger Dahlke explains how to recognize symptoms of illness as symbols and use them as an opportunity to become whole and fit harmoniously into the cosmos

What is healing?
On the nature of healing and its origin
of illness on the various levels of human existence. By Nina Haisken.

Death and Healing

For many, healing means escaping death. But isn't the ultimate healing found beyond the threshold of death and in the reconciling realization that death is not the end? By Dr. Ralph Skuban.

Back to the center of your own being
Dr. Ruediger Dahlke explains how to use symptoms of illness as symbols recognize and use it as an opportunity to become whole and harmoniously integrated into the cosmos

What is healing?
On the nature of healing and its origin
of illness on the various levels of human existence. By Nina Haisken.

Death and Healing

For many, healing means escaping death. But that is ultimate salvation not beyond the threshold of death and in the reconciling realization that death is not the end? By Dr. Ralph Skuban.

Innovative Yoga Therapy
For about 1500 years, yoga has integrated therapeutic aspects. Modern Yoga therapy has developed significantly from these beginnings, but the essence of yoga remains intact. By Dr. Ronald Steiner.

The traditional context of yoga therapy
basic knowledge about classical Indian yoga therapy: four models of the human being in its entirety, on which the traditional approach is based. By Dr. Kausthub Desikachar.

Avoiding risks in yoga practice
injuries and signs of wear and tear through yoga? Why yoga practice is primarily can be harmful in the long term, and how healthy exercise can be achieved. By Dr. Imogen Dalmann & Martin Soder.

Classical yoga therapy
R. Sriram about the most important elements of yoga therapy and the central role of Personal responsibility. Interview: Doris Iding.

Yoga therapy for cardiovascular diseases
Yoga for the Heart: How a carefully designed exercise program and adjustments of lifestyle enrich holistic cardiac medicine. By Ravi Persche & Claudia Persche.

When the nerve hurts and the pain is annoying – sciatica syndrome
Pains in the sciatic nerve are widespread. Doug Keller shows simple stretches that can bring relief

Yoga for Cancer Patients
Yoga works – also and especially for cancer. Oncological studies confirm the potential of the millennia-old teaching. By Gaby Kammler.

Asana Practice: Non-Specific Back Pain alleviate
With this workshop by Bitta Boerger you can explore the myofascial structures strengthen and improve their elasticity – and thus counteract back pain

Outlook the joints
Therapeutic Considerations and concrete approaches for a healthy approach to our joints. By Dr. Günter Niessen.

Asana Practice: Healthy Aging with Iyengar yoga
The effectiveness of yoga: Rita Keller shows a sequence for stability and balance on a physical, emotional and mental level

Overcoming Trauma with Yoga
Like Yoga Can help those affected to better cope with the impressions life-threatening experiences from the past – an interview with Joachim Pfahl. By Doris Iding.

Yoga as path to self-healing
The human being has amazing self-healing powers. Yoga can improve the conditions ensure that these valuable inner forces are fully effective can be. By Anna Trökes.

Pranayama and its therapeutic value
On the health-promoting potential of yogic breathing techniques – basic Insights and the eight pranayamas from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika at a glance. By OP Tiwari.

When Breathing Heals
About the healing effect of resonance breathing and the influence of the vagus nerve on our Health. By Eddie Stern.

Buteyko: Why We Breathe Too Much
The Buteyko method is based on the knowledge that the intake of too much Air volume is extremely unfavorable for metabolism. By Dr. Ralph Skuban.

stability and lightness
Ganesh Interview with Mohan: the developer of the modern Svastha Yoga program about his understanding of yoga therapy. By Doris Iding.

Integral Yoga Meditation
Our The everyday mind is often so entangled that it can no longer reach the healthy core of being in can penetrate us. About the experience of inner healing in meditation, which is explained in the Yoga Sutra. By Helga Simon-Wagenbach.

The healing power of mantra sounds
The Vibrations of mantras put body, soul and mind into a vitalized state that helps to harmonize internal processes. By Dr. Mohani Heitel.

Sat Nam Rasayan
The healing power of the yogis: Sat Nam Rasayan draws from the every human inherent space of silence. By Sven Butz.

Ayurveda and its multi-modalities
The ancient Indian Medicine, described from the perspective of an experienced expert. By Dr. EP Jeevan.

Shodhana – about cleansing the body and spirit
Panchakarma treatments have a direct effect on the development processes of diseases. By Dr. Hans H. Rhyner.

Siddha Kalari therapy
The Kalari therapy, which originates from South India, can identify, explain and resolve solidifications that block vitality. By Markus Ludwig.

Ayurveda is deeper than the ocean
Dr. In an interview with YOGA AKTUELL, Vasant Lad gives an impression of the many subtleties and the transformative healing power of Ayurveda. Interview: Doris Iding.

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